Refund Policy

Refund & Refund Conditions

  • 1. The purchaser of goods and services does not receive the goods and services as specified.
  • 2. The buyer receives goods and services that are not exactly as ordered.
  • 3. The buyer receives incomplete goods and services.
  • • In case the customer pays in full by using a credit card of a commercial bank registered in Thailand. The platform will send a refund request to the bank. The refund will depend on the policy of each bank. Cardholders will normally receive a refund in the next billing cycle.
  • • In case the customer pays in full Cut through debit cards of commercial banks registered in Thailand. The platform will send a refund request to the bank. The refund will depend on the policy of each bank. This will take a period of refund from 30-60 days from the date the customer receives the notification from the Call Center.
  • • The platform reserves the right to refund beyond the specified period. If force majeure
  • • The platform reserves the right to change any terms and conditions. without prior notice

Note: Refund or order change Both the seller and the buyer must have mutual consent. The seller has the right to refuse a refund if there is a good reason.